
Students in the Leadership Studies Program have opportunities to examine the concepts of leadership in many different ways. 

Leadership Studies students serve the university as Purple Jackets, the official hosts and hostesses of the university.  They frequently serve at Preview and Round Up weekends, Homecoming events, and other special university events.

Once a month, LDSP students meet as a group for an interactive networking event.  Known as Leadership Late Nights, students are typically challenged to complete some type of team-based challenge.  Late Nights are wonderful opportunities to meet and interact with students from all stages of the program.

Outdoor Leadership students develop and practice leadership and teamwork skills through a variety of outdoor challenges.  Taking place over three weekend trips, students implement and practice the skills that they study in our classroom meetings--making the concepts come to life.  

Organization Builders classes have studied and traveled to Kansas City, Houston, New York City, and Seattle.  Great Leaders of History courses have taken place in Washington D.C., Vienna, and Texas history sites.

Presidential library visits are some of our favorite learning experiences.  In recent years, we visited the Truman, Eisenhower, Johnson (twice), Carter, G.H.W. Bush, G.W. Bush, and Clinton libraries plus the Kennedy sites in Dallas (twice).  We've also made it a habit to visit and tour state capitol buildings to learn about state governments.

Several generous families have provided scholarship funds for Leadership Studies students.  The funds are available to students who complete the Foundations of Leadership Studies class, maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or higher (with grades of C or higher in LDSP courses), and remain active in program events.

Our university offers graduate degrees in Management (M.A.) and Leadership Studies (Ed.D.).  Students can begin their study of leadership as undergraduates and continue on all the way through a doctoral degree.







Leadership Studies Program Facebook Page


Extra-Curricular Opportunities

Experiential Learning

Study Abroad

Bike Ride Across Texas and the States

Model United Nations


"Leadership is about accomplishing exceptional and worthwhile things through and with other people.  In the process, it raises the goals, values, aspirations, dignity, and senses of self-worth for all those involved."    - Coleman Patterson  This is a professional website for Coleman Patterson.
It describes the educational opportunities for his students.  To learn more about the program and Hardin-Simmons University, visit the official HSU website.

Official HSU website
